We have a 48-hour cancellation policy and any appointments not attended or cancelled within this time frame will count as a session. We require a minimum of 48 hours notice for an appointment to be rearranged.
You, or the person you are referring agree to receive confidential support. We retain the right to use your information to contact others if we believe you are in danger or at risk of abuse. As far as possible we will seek your consent before taking this action, but your safety is our priority.
For this organisation to provide our professional services it is necessary to ask every user for personal information which we must keep as a record of our working contract with each service user. Any data submitted to our referral form will be safely secured and stored within our centralised database. By submitting a referral form on your behalf, you are giving The Exchange consent to store your information per our privacy policy and to contact you via the method of contact you have provided. By submitting a referral form on behalf of somebody else, you have gained consent from them to share their information with The Exchange, and they have consented to The Exchange storing their information under our privacy policy and contacting them via the method of contact you have provided.
Opening up to a counsellor/therapist about your struggles can be the first step to getting help. But it can also feel really scary.
You might be unsure about what they're going to do with the information you tell them. Or you might be worried that they will share it with other people.
We want to help you understand confidentiality and your rights, so you know how and when your information will be kept private, and how you can access your information.
Accessing your information
What is Confidentiality?
Confidentiality is about keeping your information private. It means that when you talk to a counsellor/therapist they shouldn't tell anyone else what you've said.
Information that needs to be kept confidential includes:
Your name, personal information and contact details
Details of the struggles you are having
Anything you've talked about in your appointments
What's written in your records or notes
You might be worried about what we will do with your information. Your information is kept securely and safely so that it can't be accidentally deleted, lost, stolen or seen by someone else.
If you are still unsure, you can read our privacy policy or ask your counsellor/therapist. They will be able to tell you how it will be kept securely.
In some situations, your information may need to be shared without your consent. This is called ‘breaking confidentiality’. It should only happen if:
There are concerns that you're at risk of serious harm or you're in danger.
There are concerns that someone else is at serious risk of harm or that they're in danger.
Someone is told they have to by law.
If the counsellor/therapist does need to tell someone what you've told them, they will always try to tell you first.
Accessing Data
You have a legal right to access personal information held about you by D-EXY. You have the right to request:
information about how your personal data is processed
a copy of your personal data
You can also:
request any inaccuraties in your personal data is corrected
raise an objection about how your personal data is processed
request that your personal data is erased if there is no longer a justification for it
ask that the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances
Should you wish to access your data you can send us an email at dpo@thetcsgroup.co.uk. We will need two-weeks’ notice for these records to be made available to you.
What is d-exy?
D-EXY is an online support for the mental health of Young People when and where you need it. We are a digital therapy service designed to help young people who are going through a challenging time or who want to keep on top of their wellbeing. We provide online tools and support to help you get back on track with the things that matter.
who is it for?
We offer different levels of support- "I got this" is for those who want to build their Mental Fitness and is open to everyone. The next levels which offer access to online roadtrips, forums and counselling support are for members. If you're not sure if we support your school you can get in touch with our team.
who gives the support?
We have a team of trained professionals working behind the scenes! Our wellbeing workers are all experienced in supporting young people with various issues just like you. You can meet them here
what does d-exy mean?
D-EXY stands for Digital Exchange Youth. D-EXY is the digital platform grown from our school counselling service - The Exchange. We also support over 600+ schools throughout the UK.
what if i need to speak to someone?
If you are a D-EXY member through your school you can speak to someone from our support team on Live Chat from 10-8 on weekdays and 12-8 on weekends. If we don't offer support in your school you can still check out our library for resources and links to other helplines.
i don't need counselling, what can i do?
D-EXY isn't just for those in crisis, we are here to build your mental fitness. We have loads of other resource -you can join a Roadtrip, browse the Mind & Body page for resources to boost your wellbeing, or join the forum and chat to other young people.
what is a roadtrip?
The Roadtrips are online programmes you can join as a D-EXY Member. There are roadtrips on different topics and they are full of activities and tasks to work through to build your mental strength. Each one involves different stages over a length of time and are supported by our team throughout the journey.
can i get d-exy on my phone?
Yes! The D-EXY App is packed with everything you can get on our website. You can download it for free on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, just search "D-EXY".
Looking to Delete your account?
We are sorry to see you go, but let's make this an easy breakup. Click on the button below and fill out the form and we will sort the rest.